As a follower of Christ, I guess I always believed myself to be a creationist. I believe God created the world. However, tonight I realized that I also very much believe in evolution.
This is what brought me to my conclusion. In the 1950’s the media taught us that it was the norm to have 1 wife or husband, 2.3 kids, a dog and 1 car. Most lived in simple houses and the wife stayed at home to raise the children while the husband went out to work. He got home around 6 pm and they ate supper. The kids had a bedtime, the parents may or may not have slept in the same bed, undergarments were a private issue and soft porn was the J.C.Penney catalog.
As the generations grew up the thought processes also developed. Almost 60 years of evolving have now produced not just a rampant surge of homosexuals but laws to protect their rights in the home, work place, and public for situations concerning their feelings, their needs and concerns that need to become everyone else’s also.
The insidious need to create a peace within this wicked world means that the floodgates to other countries will be open and the safety that US of A used to represent to the American family will no longer exist. Peace cannot come from allowing every immigrant free reign to everything our grandparents and we worked desperately all our lives for.
After the laws begin to pass more frequently to allow civil unions between homosexuals then we can look forward to evolving towards legalizing polygamy. Possible after that then rape, incest, child molestation and maybe murder will be justified in the process of garnering favoritism for political status or financial gain.
And when will sodomy and bestiality be ok? Oh heck, give it another decade or so. We humans truly are evolving at a rapid pace aren’t we? The sad part is the monkeys in the zoo that are laughing at us! They only pick at each other and eat their feces. That is nothing compared to us humans!
We have so evolved. Truly sad… but evolved.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkens unto counsel is wise. Proverbs 12:15
This is what brought me to my conclusion. In the 1950’s the media taught us that it was the norm to have 1 wife or husband, 2.3 kids, a dog and 1 car. Most lived in simple houses and the wife stayed at home to raise the children while the husband went out to work. He got home around 6 pm and they ate supper. The kids had a bedtime, the parents may or may not have slept in the same bed, undergarments were a private issue and soft porn was the J.C.Penney catalog.
As the generations grew up the thought processes also developed. Almost 60 years of evolving have now produced not just a rampant surge of homosexuals but laws to protect their rights in the home, work place, and public for situations concerning their feelings, their needs and concerns that need to become everyone else’s also.
The insidious need to create a peace within this wicked world means that the floodgates to other countries will be open and the safety that US of A used to represent to the American family will no longer exist. Peace cannot come from allowing every immigrant free reign to everything our grandparents and we worked desperately all our lives for.
After the laws begin to pass more frequently to allow civil unions between homosexuals then we can look forward to evolving towards legalizing polygamy. Possible after that then rape, incest, child molestation and maybe murder will be justified in the process of garnering favoritism for political status or financial gain.
And when will sodomy and bestiality be ok? Oh heck, give it another decade or so. We humans truly are evolving at a rapid pace aren’t we? The sad part is the monkeys in the zoo that are laughing at us! They only pick at each other and eat their feces. That is nothing compared to us humans!
We have so evolved. Truly sad… but evolved.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkens unto counsel is wise. Proverbs 12:15
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