Many years ago I was attending a church and the women put on a ‘Christian’ fashion show. I couldn’t care less about a fashion show. I was out to learn about God and all he was about not such silly, superficial events.
Then I learned that it truly was a ‘Christian’ event in that all the clothes that would be modeled would have to be scriptural at some point. Oh, yes! That was right up my alley!!
At that time in my life, I was really delving into the fruits of the Spirit. This is when I began to notice that there were many so-called Christians that wore their fruit like a badge. The fruit did not exude from within them but only by an outside appearance.
I was able to model two different dresses or outfits for that show. I took my best dress and I bought lots of plastic fruit. I stuck Velcro to the fruit and my dress. The fruit hung all over the outside of my dress. Of course, this brought much laughter from the audience! I was hoping God would speak to those serious about him about the fruitless concept of trying to make others ‘think’ they were bearing fruit when in fact they were only wearing it.
If I were to do it again I might add something to resemble the fruit worthy of repentance.
**The second dress I modeled was a beautiful wedding gown. I strutted out on stage doing my elegant turns to let everyone see the dress. Then when I felt I had their utmost attention I slowly lifted the hem of the gown ever so slightly to show big army boots underneath. It was supposed to be representing the Bride that wore combat boots. Or how we as the Bride of Christ are in a spiritual war for our very lives.
Matthew 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoreth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. (Mark 7:6; Isaiah 29:13)
The sad thing is they are not fooling Jesus. I wrote in my Bible by this scripture "Are We Wearing What Jesus Taught?"
Good Blog. Becky
Thanks for reading Becky. I have always loved that verse. It truly is sad that folks actually think they are fooling God with their acts of righteousness. It will be a sad day for many! Another sad part is that I am unsure if anyone at that show really got the message I was trying to present. I hope so!!
Hosea 4:6 My people are being destroyed because they don't know Me.
I don't think that people actually believe the fooling God, but they are hoping. The real problem is they don't take Him seriously. Usually it's because their learned concept of God is off-kilter; they believe He wants THEM to change themselves. The real truth is that HE wants to change us. In the performance/works based mentality of conventional Christianity, everything falls on the shoulders of us working for approval. They don't see that we are already approved and simply need to relinquish control so that He can do what He wants.
It doesn't even hurt much, unless of course you fight it!
You know GA. I guess it is kind of like folks thinking they are fooling the IRS. They usually get found out in time. NOT to put the IRS and God on the same level but folks are always trying to see what they can get away with and for how long.
I am re-reading So You Don't Want to Go to Church Any More by Jake Colson. The Father's showing me this afresh about how he will change us if we let him as opposed to us 'trying' so hard and hanging that fruit on our outsides.
It has been so awesome watching him allow me to continue to forgive people that I would have normally had to fight in the flesh and faith to forgive. Righteously I would have 'figured it out' but letting him do the work in me is easier and much more rewarding!! I am doing things now that I have struggled to do for 27 years through the churches help.
God’s ways are so much better!!
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