Dear Dr. Payne,
I have since childhood been physically molested by my father, then brother, step-father and lastly Christian counselors. I had been physically abused by parents and spouses and emotionally traumatized by too many. To date I think I am standing fairly strong, holding my own, and healed so to speak.
I was on a trip and the plane went down on a deserted island and only a handful of folks survived. We are here for what seems like forever and we have dubbed the island ‘Gilligan’. For the most part we are getting along with the exception of some behind the scene tricks that most don’t know about. Food is available though not plentiful. Hope and despair begin to meld.
I am beginning to ‘act out’ due to the furious stress that is being caused by my new lifestyle. Emotions are starting to surface that I hadn’t seen in many long years, and I am beginning to alternatively lash out and withdraw into myself. What do I do?
Back at home I had heard of ‘TheoPhostic’ healing from some friends that had encountered it but I had not actually ever seen it in action. The way they explained it was that in a session I would encounter Jesus in all truth and be set free. No one on the island has ever heard of or been trained as a TheoPhostic facilitator. Do I lose all hope and give up? Do I try to swim to land knowing that I could never make it thus creating a suicide? Or do I try other things to make the days pass faster until the time that I can get to a TheoPhostic session?
I have been a Christian for a couple of decades. Can I not just go to Jesus directly for this healing? Can Jesus not meet me where I am at whether stranded on an island or in my car and lead me into all truth?
John 16:13 says when the Spirit of truth (the Holy Spirit or the Comforter which Jesus said would come after he is taken to heaven) is come, he will guide me into all truth and he will show me things to come. And in 1 Timothy 2:3-5 it says this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
I am not recalling any commentaries that said I needed to not go directly to the Holy Ghost and instead to use the mediator and facilitator of TheoPhostics to accomplish discovering of the truth. So if I am on this island and there is no TheoPhostics facilitator available then would it be an ok second option to go straight to God via the Holy Ghost? Or is the Holy Ghost not powerful enough to heal someone stranded on an island going bonkers from past traumas?
I am in a state of bewilderment. What should I do? Wait and hope to get to land where I can try to locate my facilitator in TheoPhostics or trust the Lord or my life and the all-powerful Holy Ghost to direct my paths?
A last question that I am pondering while stuck on this island is: If truth is a fruit and a piece of the armor, then it would be fair to say that without proper ‘healing’ in a TheoPhostic session a Christian cannot grow, bear fruit or wear the armor?
(Literally) lost and confused.
The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.~~ Ecclesiastes 1:9
"Theophostic Prayer Ministry" is Scientology in disguise.
A "TPM facilitator" (Scientology Auditor) leads the seeker (Preclear) through a "session" (same term as in Scientology Auditing) of "guided imagery" and "directed visualization" ("Dianetic reverie", "mockups" and "mental image pictures") towards "mind renewal experience" ("Clear") by dealing with past buried memories that may still be bringing you down today ("Engrams").
They claim that they seek to bring you to self-responisibility (Hubbard's "Self determinism") even as they keep you addicted to more and more "TPM Sessions".
They call each person's session a "case" (just like Scientology) and offer "training", "courses" and "seminars" (just like Scientology) in TPM Facilitating, which is simply Auditing without the E-meter.
Wow! Thanks Ronbot! When I wrote this blog I was being hit with this TheoPhostics from well-meaning Christian friends. It sounded strange. I started to do some serious research. My deduction was that it was not a 'Christian' experience. I did not exactly know what to call it but it sounded too strange and I just wasn't finding it in my bible where it said, Moses, Paul, Jesus or Isaiah ever used this practice!
BUT! Since this writing I have been now doing some off the side watching of the Tom Cruise and Scientology and the Anonymous group and trying to figure out the basics of Scientology without having to personally delve into any of Hubbards writings.It would have never dawned on me to mesh them together like that. It makes complete sense when you say it now. It is Dianetics in the new 'Christian' version. Although, dare these well-meaning folks be ever told that is was Dianetics or Scientology in disguise they would either have a fit or croak!!
That is so sad for them. I remember these folks all excited about it and how they were all being 'trained' so they could share the healing to others.They were trying to be convincing that I needed to check it out, etc.
Wow! again Ronbot. Thanks for the sharing of the great tidbits of knowledge!!! Thank you!!! So scary. So sad.
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