Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Farewell to Falwell

It is a sad day. Today the great Jerry Falwell passed away. He was so great in many people’s eyes, hearts and minds. He did so much for the Christian causes. He was definitely a doer and not a hearer only. I am sure he will be greatly missed.

Personally, I am deeply saddened by the thought of his passing. I read the massive accolades that were attributed to his name and character. Everyone in America at some point has heard of the name Jerry Falwell. It would be like hearing the name Billy Graham. To many, they are synonymous with Christianity.

Again, I am deeply saddened. Not so much by his death but wondering what he is doing now. Right now. In my memory loss, I cannot exactly tell you the exact biblical details of what happens when a person dies. Does that person go directly into the presence of almighty God? Do they wait a specified time to be ushered into… heaven… or hell? I honestly do not know. I do know what has been taught to me for most of my life but I am not completely sure that I am ready to hang my hat on those theories until I am able to do an in-depth study for myself.

Will all of Jerry’s ‘doings’ get him in to heaven? Was he so busy doing Christian things that he couldn’t find some solitude and time to have a deeply committed relationship with Jesus? Did all of the accolades from the men of this world afford him humility before his maker? Did he get to take any of his riches, be it money or praise, to heaven with him? If in fact, we are under the premise that he did go to heaven.

We are completely taught by the pulpit that ‘good’ men go to heaven and that men that are considered godly will go to heaven. Forbid, with all that they did; with all the good they brought to this world, with all the mouths they fed, people they taught, buildings they built, services they attended or held, rallies, conventions, seminars, money they brought in, books they wrote and especially all those that they spoke about Jesus to ~ no one should even hint that they wouldn’t get into heaven!

Dear friend, don’t be fooled or misled by the trappings of this world. Even if they are clothed in what looks like the richest garments of righteousness, only One knows for sure where one would go or where Jerry went at his moment of death. Just as only God will know ultimately, where you will spend eternity.

Yes, there are scriptures where we as Christians are called to be doers. But Christ is looking for a Bride, not a whore. We are to be sold out to him. Not the causes that may have his name lightly stamped on them. He is looking for a devoted bride that will look to him for everything. A loyal, dedicated, constant and committed bride that will always look for his best in the situation not trying to attain a name for herself.

My prayer would be that the Lord would be gracious to me, a sinner, that if he were to bless me in any sort of ministry to his body and bride that it would always be under the banner of his name. If I were to do something for the Husband, that it would be for his glory alone and that the stamp of approval would be for him and not for my accolades. I pray they would see the Husband when they meet the Bride.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how to respond to the death of Jerry Falwell. I do agree that he is a doer and not a hearer only. My only question is: Is Jesus concerned about our political affiliation? Is He concerned about the political agendas of the world? I have the sense that the politics of this world are not where our energies should lie but rather on the kingdom of God. The two are not mutually inclusive. They are in direct opposition to each other.

Jerry's doings will not get him into heaven. I only hope that his relationship with Jesus was such that he found the door that opened the heavens to him. Christ is more concerned with His church and it's relationship with Him than with people running around with political agendas trying to save humanity from itself. Think about it: He is a groom head over heals in love with His bride; I believe Jesus is more concerned with the love His bride shows Him than anything else on the earth. Doesn't that make more sense? After all, didn't He come to call his Bride to Himself? He came to call the lost, not call those individuals who did a better work; and having been "lost" indicates they must have been known before they became lost. The scripture say that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; is playing with the political system spiritual warfare or carnal? We are told to not be of this world, but we do have to live in it. I question whether we should have anything to do with the political system. For the Christian, nothing matters but our relationship with Jesus.

Damale' said...

I wonder if God is more concerned about things that are not on our immediate hearts as we are more concerned about things that are not on his immediate heart. That is where the deeply committed relationship comes in. Us seeking HIS heart and not the applause and well-spoken words of men. We are all guilty of being tossed to and fro with the cares of this world. I think that is the biggest trick of the enemy; to keep us so busy and busy for GOD. Like the saying used to go: idle hands are the tools of the devil. Or something like that. No. Busy, busy, busy hands are the tools of the devil.If we are so busy doing God's 'work' we can use that as a lame excuse to never truly seek his heart.

Anonymous said...

Watchman Nee, in his book "The Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit", he addresses the profound differences between the outer man (the soul, mind, will, emotions) and the inner man (the spirit that joins with the Spirit of God). I saw so many people I know that cannot display the inner man because the outer man, the shell, is not broken. The busyness of this world and the sense of "duty" to God produce very little else but human striving. God is not interested in human striving for ANY cause, but is interested in the heart (the inner man) being allowed to rise to the surface. The inner man cannot be seen unless the shell of the outer man is broken. Kinda like the chick cannot be seen without the breaking of the eggshell. The outer man keeps the inner man under his thumb.
The good news is, if we allow God to break the shell, He can use us because our spirit can align with His and be manifest in us! Lord, break our outer man so that our spirits can be free and one with You!

Damale' said...
