The Webster's definition of an idol is 'that on which the affections are strongly (often excessively) set; an object of passionate devotion; a person or thing greatly loved or adored'.~
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
A Twoedged Sword!
Each scripture that comes to mind as to why this man could very well be a wolf in sheep’s clothing is the SAME scriptures that his followers use to defend his actions.
That is a twoedged sword indeed! I guess we let the chips fall where they will and let God separate the sheep from the goats as only he can do.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
ManChild's Response
Although I want to give him credit for being 'mature' enough not to say anything it does not alleviate my fears of the deception that is being played out.
Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ~Matthew 24:23-27
Letter to the ManChild Founder
Who are you and what bible are you reading? I am posting other content on the internet letting folks know that you are theologically still gulping the 'milk' and drowning in your own righteous robes of religious fanaticism. You are spending too much money on all the advertising I am seeing on the internet to promote your jumbled message. Anyone that has read the bible, believer or not, can see that you have done a severe chop-job on your cut-n-paste of the scriptures to make it say whatever you are wanting for your agenda. This is truly sad. You are not even a wolf in sheep's clothing because your garments are see-through! You are like the emperor that thought he had new clothes... but everyone could see the truth in his nakedness.
I was on your page for the first time Saturday April 21, 2007 and when I came back the next day to do more research I noticed that some of the content had changed already. I anticipate before July 7, 2007 it will change forms many times to keep your agenda fresh and throw off as many unsuspecting people as possible.
I too, have asked others to pray... for you. That your eyes, ears and heart would be opened to the reality of the authentic Jesus Christ and not the fantastical one that you have created in your mind via the 'plucking' of useful scriptures out of context.
Dawn *****
Saturday, April 21, 2007
777 –Part 4!
“The Chosen will come forrth from the Christian tribes for this cause. 777 For they have seals set in thier minds and souls to recognize This message.”
This person is a lunatic! He is caught up in his own religious robes of righteousness that he is tripping over himself!
Here is a picture of the man from his website. If you were to pray for anything, pray the scales would fall off his eyes, his ears and heart would be opened to the real gospel and that Jesus would become an authentic entity in his life as opposed to a fantastical creature to serve his own agenda.
ManChild Founder

777- Part 3
Why didn’t Satan show up last year at 666 or June 6, 2006?? Better yet June 6, 1006 or the year 6 when Jesus was 6 years old? Ok, so maybe he didn’t show up when Jesus was six because Jesus had to fulfill his mission and couldn’t die before he was 33 or something like that.
However, if one believes in this fanciful notion of playing the numbers game then last year would have been the most opportune time for Satan to have wreaked havoc on the world. NO?
I continue to peruse this website I am not leery about what I might read. I am aghast!
“There will come three annointed Messiahs or Prophets in our day. Just like John the Baptist, Jesus the Christ, and Paul. These three are the greatest spirits that have ever lived because they all died for us. We will be great on thier acount. Be mighty in God our Father.”
It is clear that whomever did this writing is either un-schooled or does not know how to use a spell/grammar-check. They are coming off as possibly a new ‘believer’ in that they have their theology, time frames and references all jumbled.
I would venture to guess they are of the Charismatic persuasion or Word Faith Movement.
As much as I respect all that John and Paul were about, I would never dare to put them in the same league as Jesus Christ or intonate that they ALL died for me. Golly gee, except for Enoch and Elijah everybody died. What I thought was the basics of Christianity are that Jesus died to shed his blood for the remission of our sins. Paul and John just died; plain ol’ period.
At this point, I am going to discontinue making comments about this particular website. It is obvious that they are swirling in their own fanciful and spiritual delusions of what they want to happen or think they will make God do. I will however continue to do other research on Google based on this ‘777 phenomenon’ that is about to occur.
Stay tuned…
NOTE: All writing in quotes are directly from that website with spelling/grammar mistakes intact.
777- Part 2
Ok, first thought is does this ‘manchild’ eat locust and honey? Just a silly thought! I didn’t claim to have all my sanity intact. Just a little humor to lighten this parody.
Where in the bible does it remotely say, ‘when this passion to be with the son is displayed to the Father he is very pleased and will show miraculous signs and answers to prayers’?
Shouldn’t our passion towards the son be everyday? Is that not what a relationship with Jesus is supposed to be all about? Is God the Father limited to showing miraculous signs and answering prayers if let us say, my passion for his son is waning today? If my passion is stronger tomorrow, will that empower the Father to work more miracles?
Does this not put God at the mercy of the mere humans vs. us being at the mercy of an all-powerful God?
Who are we to limit God’s potential in this world based on our faith or lack of for the day?
But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. ~Matthew 13:32-33
If neither Christ nor the angels know when that day of his return is then how are we to ‘Trinity Lotto’ style, pick a day, oh hey, July 7, 2007 sounds spiritual, and expect to usher in ‘a rapture or second coming’?????
Stay tuned for more…..
777- Part 1
As I enter this page, I am stunned by so much that I don’t know where to begin. Since I am not a very smart and organized person that has the ability to take each paragraph and address it logically I will pluck the ones that seem to grab my attention first.
“Christians:- pray on saturday July 7 2007 with millions for the world's greatest prayer day.
Pray to be raptured, healed or for whatever is in your heart(the spirit will be eternally strong that day because of faith). Prayer works and this day will bless our world as millions speak in humble mighty prayer for what they desire in their hearts.”
My first thought that comes to mind is that if we are all praying for different things then we are not praying in one accord and are not in agreement. However, I guess according to Matthew 18:19 we only need two of us to agree on something.
My second thought is why would the spirit (little ‘s’) be eternally strong that particular day? If they are speaking of the third in the trinity, meaning the Holy Spirit then is the Spirit reliant upon a human’s faith to empower it? Mark 14:38 says the Spirit is truly ready but the flesh is weak. Romans 8:28 says the Spirit helps OUR infirmities. Does the Holy Spirit need our help? Is there a dependence upon mere humans in order for the Spirit to move upon this earth?
This is the BIG question. Similar to my Trinity Lotto blog, if some are praying for healing, some are praying for revival while others are praying for the rapture… then who’s prayer does God answer? Does he heal some, set a revival going in a few places then rapture only those that asked for it??
Obviously, my questions could go on and on. Call me a stupid person for not knowing the answers or call me extremely inquisitive, whichever.
The scripture that has continually come to mind in the past months of my inquisition to my beliefs is this: 1 Corinthian 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.
Stay tuned for Part 2!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Bush Spout-Off!
~ President Bush, quoting from Romans 12 during the memorial convocation at Virginia Tech
If this is a true thought for Bush then why has the US been in Iraq for 4 years?
CNN reports that there have been 3,315 Americans killed. According to the Pentagon 24,764 U.S. troops have been wounded in action.
BBC news says an estimated 655,000 Iraqis have died since 2003 who might still be alive but for the US-led invasion.
Have all these people been killed by overcoming evil with good?
Is that what Bush thinks is overcoming evil with good? Golly gee, if we do any more good to the Iraqis they will be extinct.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not into all the politics behind this war remembering that I was very ill when this all started and I have limited memory capabilities. I remember that both my son and son-in-law went there at the same time to serve this country. And by God’s grace they came home. I know that government PR says that we are trying to avert more crisis by our presence in Iraq. I don’t really know all the details or the truth.
For the sake of this blog I just want to understand what Bush’s idea of overcoming evil with good means. Are we now going to invade South Korea because it was one of their people that claimed the title of ‘for the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history’?
This is not a blog about the true meaning of evil and good. This is about a man that runs our country, claims Christianity, is a 33rd degree Mason and spouts good rhetoric for applause but his actions do not correspond with his mouth.
NOTE: Forgive my ignorance of the American government, its systems, statutes and reasoning’s. This is just my uneducated opinion of how I see it.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Free Music!
Check it out. Some of the music isn’t my cup of tea but I download it and listen then if I don’t like it I just delete it and move on.
Burger King Christianity

I created this piece of art last year. I was just in a mood where the ‘King’s Kids’ and ‘Bless Me Club’ mentality of the mighty Christians was getting on my last nerve. Where was the humility, the giving and the true heart of Christ? When did Paul say he was exalted on the throne while he was here on this earth?
I had a pastor friend look at the picture and just smile. She finally let it be told that I should not really promote that picture along with the rest of my art because it was too sarcastic. I let that sink in for a bit. Sarcastic?
Satirical, maybe. Truthful, definitely. However, not sarcastic. I wasn’t mocking anyone. I was using ‘wit to attack the vices and follies of humankind’.
I know that some of us high and mighty Christians want to think we are above the rest of humanity in our ability to have vices and follies but we are the same. That is why the picture was created. The attitude that Christians are above the world’s mentality- that we are above others in our thinking and actions is preposterous! We are as vile and wicked. We just have found the Mediator to plead our cause. We have the blood on our side. It is not meant to justify our sins but hopefully it is potent enough that if we search for the truths it has for our lives then we can apply it liberally when we fall humbly before the throne of the one that shed it for us.
Oh living God, have mercy on me the wretched sinner that I am. Never let me become so full of ‘my’ Christianity that I lose track of the humility you are trying to produce in me. Create in me a pure heart to see others as you see them. Not full of pride of life or religious functions. Give me a heart after yours alone. Let my life become a blessing to you Lord.
Monday, April 16, 2007
sin·cer·i·ty (s n-s r -t ) NOUN: The quality or condition of being sincere; genuineness, honesty, and freedom from duplicity.
I conclude that would mean that there are some folks that loved Jesus dishonestly. Or is it that they think they loved him with authenticity?
Funny how in Ecclesiastes 1:9 it says there is nothing new under the sun. Paul knew there were folks calling themselves Christians but did not honestly love Christ. Just as today, some claim Christianity, its blessings and effects but genuinely do not know the reality of Christ in their lives.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Blog Condensation!
These are the blog sites I had going:
I’m Losing My Religion via
Who’s Your Idol via
The Road Less Traveled via Yahoo 360
Forsaking My Religion via
A general blog on
Forsaking My Religion via
I was testing to see audience participation, comments, visitors, friendliness, stats, available content, etc. I had just started the Wordpress and Freeweb one last week. It seemed like a constant struggle to upload anything to the Freeweb one. Pages didn’t work and it was not used friendly. Maybe it was just me. The one with Wordpress, although I had heard good things about the site, was static. I was able to post a Flickr picture thing and a few quotes in the sidebar but it didn’t seem to offer me much more. Logging on was not right there and I had to scroll the page to get to the link to log in.
My Yahoo 360 page was started the same time as Losing My Religion and Who’s Your Idol. Yahoo only allows you to upload and do certain things within their parameters. It was easy to post and view things. They did a stat report on the page. I never received any comments on the page so I had no idea if anyone was really reading. The numbers were moving but that’s all I could see. I have decided to retire the Yahoo 360 and both Forsaking My Religion sites.
Who’s Your Idol has given me the most options. I can add almost anything I want on the page. It isn’t just a blog. I can put music, pictures, links, and a whole bunch of other assorted goodies that represent who I am and what I believe. It is easy to upload, change, post and edit. I am able to add special stat reports so I can see if I am having any impact.
Even though it gives me limited options I will keep posting on Myspace only because I think that on such a wordly site maybe a tich of Christ might shine some light on someone needing it. The numbers reading or viewing my blog are constantly moving probably because of the sheer volume of people on Myspace at any given time. However, if it can impact someone at all then it will have been worth it. I do not like all the garbage I have to be confronted with on a continual basis but I suppose until God says stop I will stay there.
I will continue to post on Losing My Religion because I do have a few readers there that are sitting in the wings quietly. On occasion, they let me know they are reading even though they are not of the ‘comment’ variety of folks.
Therefore, for those of you reading this on Yahoo, Wordpress or Freewebs, if you want to still read my writings the best place to find me is at
Be blessed in his love.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Hinn Heals??

I can give a long laundry list of reasons why I don’t like the guy. A couple would be that he misuses scripture in incredible ways, he doesn’t have a shred of humility and he can spend more money on frivolous things- money in my mind that could feed or clothe a lot of needy humans. ALL in the name of Christ of course.
This is one of the bigger issues I have with him. He claims healings at his meetings but many reliable news sources have asked for documentation yet he cannot seem to come up with any. If it were me, I would be making it a solid part of my ministry to document and make available to everyone what God has done. After all, this is supposed to be for God’s glory, right?
You see when I believed that God healed me two years ago, I could have either gone to a doctor to verify or wait the course and see for myself. I have seen myself do things that neither I nor anyone with my diseases could normally be able to do. I have let others see my complete change also. (I didn’t go to a doc to verify because I wasn’t feeling too spiffy about doctors and they sure did make a mess of my life and I didn’t want their hand in any more of my business.)
However, when that doctor called the other day to tell me my thyroid was fine and there was no sign of arthritis I finally realized that was God! Apart from man. No one laid hands on me. No one prayed for me. I wasn’t at a rally and there was no emotion or commotion yet God independent of ‘needing’ a humans intervention chose to heal me. And I now have doctors verification.
When something truly is of God, one is not afraid to give him all the glory. I read in another blog this week about ministries being named after the person and not God. Maybe that is why they call it the Benny Hinn Ministries ~ because it is all about Mr. Hinn and God got left out at some point along the line. How sad.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
No Psych Evals!?
It will have been 2 years this August. Since that time, I have done things I couldn’t normally do. I do my housework in a two story 3 bathroom, occupied by too many people right now. I eat, sleep, and live completely differently. Folks have been watching me to see if I was really ok. My mother said that God didn’t heal me but it was my positive thinking. For anyone who knows me that is laughable since I am not considered the most positive person in the bunch!
Two diagnoses that I had in the past were hyperthyroidism and rheumatoid arthritis. These were only two of about eight others.
The other day I went to the docs for the first time in almost two years. After having so many doctors all up in my business for so long and with having two children almost on their deathbeds for years I was completely fine if I never saw one again!
I have ‘extra baggage’ and went in to have my thyroid checked to see if that was the reason. Thankfully, I chose a Christian doctor and shared briefly about me being sick and that I believed God healed me. Had it been a secular doctor they might have been ordering psych evals instead of thyroid tests.
Today I get a call from the doctor saying that my thyroid is fine and that there is some inflammation but not anything related to arthritis or lupus.
At first, I was bummed because I didn’t have a reason for the weight gain other than the slowing metabolism due with age.
It took a while then it hit me. God did heal me! That is the proof. Rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t just go away and thyroids do not just level themselves out.
Some would have shouted to give God all the glory! Me, I am just quiet with sheer humility that God was so gracious. As he always has been in my life.
I Don't Follow Christianity
I follow Christ.
And walk in the commandment of love.
I’m not just born again
But re-birthed from above.
His hand is upon me,
In a holy, hushed awe.
Reverential fear guides me
When I am willing to obey
His word, living God,
Only begotten Son.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Going to that Place Beyond
These were strong folks in God. Godly folks with a head on their shoulders and a heart underneath and they seemed to have the ‘right’ answers. Sadly, for some reason people are still applauding them even though they have slowly started to delve into extra/ultra biblical dimensions.
Some is being done in the name of creative writing, artistic flair or other special ‘licensing’ but it has still stepped away ever so slightly from the rock-solid truths that they began in.
Do I also have to follow that road? If you see me veering off the well-trodden paths of truth will you gently correct me? Will I listen? At that point, will I be able to hear correction?
I pray I will always have ears to hear! When my ears stop hearing and my eyes stop seeing spiritually, I have begun to slowly die and become extinct.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
He is Risen!
Glorious Resurrection to all the true followers of the risen Christ!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
I Had to Breathe, Right?!
Wow. I took that plane ride the other day as a favor to help someone out. This person hated flying and something needed to be delivered that day so I said I would do it for them.
Now I am sick from breathing in 15 hours of re-circulated airplane air. I could wonder:
~Why God didn’t protect me from getting sick when I was doing such a charitable act?
~Was I supposed to claim a scripture first or after?
~What happened to all the perfect health these faith-teachers preach?
All the positive thinking in the world would not have prevented the re-circulated germs from entering my system. I did have to breathe, right? Should I have quoted scripture all day or rebuked the devil? Was this a spiritual attack?
Or…maybe it is just that God allows sickness in our bodies as a gauge to tell our bodies to slow down and regroup. He gives us common sense to use for our benefit. Not everything in life has a spiritual connotation behind it. If the toilet paper runs out, it isn’t an attack from the devil but possibly our own laziness, forgetfulness or stupidity.
I am sick because I am sick. I have no hidden sin. I am not doing spiritual warfare. I didn’t step out of God’s anointing. The devil or his cohorts are not attacking me. Moreover, I probably didn’t have some high Wiccan on the planes trying to sabotage me cause they ‘knew’ I was a Christian.
Sometimes we are just too spiritual for our own good. I wonder if God is as ‘spiritual’ or ‘religious’ as his so-called followers seem to be.
Friday, April 6, 2007

I wonder why. The old saying used to be ‘junk in- junk out’. There is no spiritual nutrition in a horror flick. There isn’t very much sustenance in most of the movies or television. They are made for sheer entertainment… and the producer’s pocketbook.
‘I am reminded of a young couple that fell in love and he adored her. She adored him very much… or so he thought. One day he caught a glimpse of the pictures in her wallet. She had multiple pictures of everyone and anyone. Then there was one solitary picture of him. It seemed the smallest of them all and it laid at the back after all the rest.
This made him wonder why if she professed such a great endearing love for him why she wouldn’t want to have a bigger picture or more to show other folks. He had given her many pictures at her request. He began to wonder how special he really was in her life. Was she ashamed of him? Had he embarrassed her? Was he thinking she professed more of a love than she really felt? Was he just imagining that he was first in her life?
He pondered all these questions. He felt unneeded and alone’.
I wonder if this is how Jesus feels when we put him last in our lives. We profess with our mouths that he is our entire lives but we live for the world and its pleasures. Instead of doing what Philippians 4:8 says we do everything and anything that seems to oppose it.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
How can we think on these things while we are watching a movie at $15 a pop that scares the daylights out of us? How do we think on any of these things while having gore effects, shock scenes, and a host of other unpleasant things flash by our eyes? Some would say this is just a true portrayal of life but really, it is just a clever way to desensitize people to pain, blood and brutality. Actually, it lessens the work done on the cross by Christ. Instead of being broken by the thought that he was beaten for our sins, we then can categorize the brutality as just another ‘show’. Desensitization is a bad, bad thing.
We notice that when we think on the things in the above passage they tend to cause us to reflect on our Lord. The one that we are supposedly professing to be number one in our lives.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
I was able to take 362 pictures from the air at some breathtaking clouds, groundcover and just fascinating things. It made me do a lot of wondering about the finger of God as he parted spaces to make way for water or all the funny artistic squiggles in the architect.
The clouds amazed me as usual. They come in so many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Kind of like people, I guess. Some of the clouds seemed just suspended as if there was a tiny little string that could have been holding them in place.
Three hundred and sixty-two pictures. I hope that I can use some for art in the future.
As we were flying, there was much turbulence. I thought that from the ground when one looks into the sky and sees a plane soaring in the midst that it seems all so smooth and effortless. It is easier to imagine the folks up in the sky riding along on soft, fluffy clouds instead of them being all jumpy and about to barf.
I think we tend to view other Christians and especially one’s with any sort of title whatsoever as them being strong, solid, great, loving, spiritually mature Christians. When in fact if we had the opportunity to get on their ‘plane’ we would see that they are just as scared as us, struggling to know who God really is in their life and forcing themselves to do all that has been told to them to do in order to be ‘all that’ and more.
The grass is never greener on the other side. Everyone has to mow his or her yard. Just because someone ‘looks’ spiritual or sounds religious does not mean a thing. It may just mean that they are in the same struggle as you but has managed to disguise in a cloak of ‘religianity’ or behind a few pretty sounding titles.
Monday, April 2, 2007
What! There Won’t Be No Chocolate Jesus This Year! Bummer!!

‘Cardinal Edward Egan and other outraged Catholics complained.But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan, who described it as “a sickening display.” Bill Donohue, head of the watchdog Catholic League, said it was “one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever.”
The artwork was created from more than 200 pounds of milk chocolate, and features Christ with his arms outstretched as if on an invisible cross. Unlike the typical religious portrayal of Christ, the Cavallaro creation does not include a loincloth.
The sculpture was to debut Monday evening, the day after Palm Sunday and just four days before Christians mark the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. The final day of the exhibit was planned for Easter Sunday.
But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan, who described it as “a sickening display.” Bill Donohue, head of the watchdog Catholic League, said it was “one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever.”’ (Excerpted from article @
Is making a chocolate Jesus any worse than making a stone Jesus… with a loincloth of course. Is it any different than making a miniature metal one to keep handy in your pocket as a talisman?
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: ~Exodus 20:4 (Emphasis added)
Though I am quite aware that ‘Christians’ are not under the old law and all it’s rules they are probably still beneficial to our well-being. Like the one that says, Thou shall not kill. That is good advice. God just might have known why that was added in the Ten Commandments.
Ponder with me to venture a guess as to why God might have made a commandment to not make ‘any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above’. That would mean angels… and God, or to be clearer… Jesus. Some religions have him sculpted, bronzed, hanging, laying, painted, and envisioned in every imaginable way. Can one even risk guessing what Jesus might possibly even look like? He was a Jew so maybe he had dark hair and a NOT so white complexion. But*he*was*God*. Deity. And who… who might I dare ask, could know what ‘Gawd’ would look like? What are the characteristics of perfection? And why would someone want to limit ALL that he is to only what they could perceive in their puny finite minds? Maybe this is why he made it the second commandment. It must have been pretty important to him.
These ‘Christians’ I speak about also tag Jesus, his death, resurrection, bunny eggs and chocolate all in the same thought and breath. They tout lent and all the so-called spiritual activities but somehow this Jesus they have so eloquently created in their minds and hearts does not exist in reality.
No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.~1John 4:12
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Where’s the Potato??
Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side.
With a 5-lb potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, then relax.
Each day, you’ll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato sacks.
Then 50-lb potato sacks and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato sack in each hand and hold your arm straight for more than a full minute. (I’m at this level)
After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each of the sacks.”
Is that like start with church on Sundays and work up to adding Wednesdays? When you have mastered that throw in a potluck, a prayer vigil and a struggle to get to the missions meetings. If you are real strong, in a few months you can include a retreat or convention. And maybe… just maybe…one day you will include some Jesus… and a stab at a real relationship with him.
Theological Question? Need Help!
Luke 24:46 says, ‘And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day.’
So if the bible says he died around noon, I am assuming it was what folks call Good Friday, and rose on the ‘third’ day, would that not make it Monday morning instead of ‘Easter-Sunday’ morning?
Why do we Christians celebrate his death on Friday and his resurrection only two days later? Am I completely missing something? PLEASE someone enlighten me! I am absolutely clueless on this one!