Saturday, April 21, 2007

777- Part 2

“John the Baptist prepared the the people the first time and now this organization called, "the manchild team believe they are to stir up all Christianity so that the focus is on Jesus Christ's return. They say when this passion to be with the son is displayed to the Father he is very pleased and will show miraculous signs and answers to prayers.”

Ok, first thought is does this ‘manchild’ eat locust and honey? Just a silly thought! I didn’t claim to have all my sanity intact. Just a little humor to lighten this parody.

Where in the bible does it remotely say, ‘when this passion to be with the son is displayed to the Father he is very pleased and will show miraculous signs and answers to prayers’?

Shouldn’t our passion towards the son be everyday? Is that not what a relationship with Jesus is supposed to be all about? Is God the Father limited to showing miraculous signs and answering prayers if let us say, my passion for his son is waning today? If my passion is stronger tomorrow, will that empower the Father to work more miracles?


Does this not put God at the mercy of the mere humans vs. us being at the mercy of an all-powerful God?

Who are we to limit God’s potential in this world based on our faith or lack of for the day?

But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. ~Matthew 13:32-33

If neither Christ nor the angels know when that day of his return is then how are we to ‘Trinity Lotto’ style, pick a day, oh hey, July 7, 2007 sounds spiritual, and expect to usher in ‘a rapture or second coming’?????

Stay tuned for more…..

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