Easter is almost here!! With chocolate bunny eggs and… chocolate Jesus!
‘Cardinal Edward Egan and other outraged Catholics complained.But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan, who described it as “a sickening display.” Bill Donohue, head of the watchdog Catholic League, said it was “one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever.”
The artwork was created from more than 200 pounds of milk chocolate, and features Christ with his arms outstretched as if on an invisible cross. Unlike the typical religious portrayal of Christ, the Cavallaro creation does not include a loincloth.
The sculpture was to debut Monday evening, the day after Palm Sunday and just four days before Christians mark the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. The final day of the exhibit was planned for Easter Sunday.
But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan, who described it as “a sickening display.” Bill Donohue, head of the watchdog Catholic League, said it was “one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever.”’ (Excerpted from article @ http://www.religionnewsblog.com/17855/chocolate-jesus-exhibition-canceled-after-catholics-protest)
Is making a chocolate Jesus any worse than making a stone Jesus… with a loincloth of course. Is it any different than making a miniature metal one to keep handy in your pocket as a talisman?
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: ~Exodus 20:4 (Emphasis added)
Though I am quite aware that ‘Christians’ are not under the old law and all it’s rules they are probably still beneficial to our well-being. Like the one that says, Thou shall not kill. That is good advice. God just might have known why that was added in the Ten Commandments.
Ponder with me to venture a guess as to why God might have made a commandment to not make ‘any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above’. That would mean angels… and God, or to be clearer… Jesus. Some religions have him sculpted, bronzed, hanging, laying, painted, and envisioned in every imaginable way. Can one even risk guessing what Jesus might possibly even look like? He was a Jew so maybe he had dark hair and a NOT so white complexion. But*he*was*God*. Deity. And who… who might I dare ask, could know what ‘Gawd’ would look like? What are the characteristics of perfection? And why would someone want to limit ALL that he is to only what they could perceive in their puny finite minds? Maybe this is why he made it the second commandment. It must have been pretty important to him.
These ‘Christians’ I speak about also tag Jesus, his death, resurrection, bunny eggs and chocolate all in the same thought and breath. They tout lent and all the so-called spiritual activities but somehow this Jesus they have so eloquently created in their minds and hearts does not exist in reality.
No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.~1John 4:12
‘Cardinal Edward Egan and other outraged Catholics complained.But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan, who described it as “a sickening display.” Bill Donohue, head of the watchdog Catholic League, said it was “one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever.”
The artwork was created from more than 200 pounds of milk chocolate, and features Christ with his arms outstretched as if on an invisible cross. Unlike the typical religious portrayal of Christ, the Cavallaro creation does not include a loincloth.
The sculpture was to debut Monday evening, the day after Palm Sunday and just four days before Christians mark the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. The final day of the exhibit was planned for Easter Sunday.
But word of the confectionary Christ infuriated Catholics, including Egan, who described it as “a sickening display.” Bill Donohue, head of the watchdog Catholic League, said it was “one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever.”’ (Excerpted from article @ http://www.religionnewsblog.com/17855/chocolate-jesus-exhibition-canceled-after-catholics-protest)
Is making a chocolate Jesus any worse than making a stone Jesus… with a loincloth of course. Is it any different than making a miniature metal one to keep handy in your pocket as a talisman?
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: ~Exodus 20:4 (Emphasis added)
Though I am quite aware that ‘Christians’ are not under the old law and all it’s rules they are probably still beneficial to our well-being. Like the one that says, Thou shall not kill. That is good advice. God just might have known why that was added in the Ten Commandments.
Ponder with me to venture a guess as to why God might have made a commandment to not make ‘any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above’. That would mean angels… and God, or to be clearer… Jesus. Some religions have him sculpted, bronzed, hanging, laying, painted, and envisioned in every imaginable way. Can one even risk guessing what Jesus might possibly even look like? He was a Jew so maybe he had dark hair and a NOT so white complexion. But*he*was*God*. Deity. And who… who might I dare ask, could know what ‘Gawd’ would look like? What are the characteristics of perfection? And why would someone want to limit ALL that he is to only what they could perceive in their puny finite minds? Maybe this is why he made it the second commandment. It must have been pretty important to him.
These ‘Christians’ I speak about also tag Jesus, his death, resurrection, bunny eggs and chocolate all in the same thought and breath. They tout lent and all the so-called spiritual activities but somehow this Jesus they have so eloquently created in their minds and hearts does not exist in reality.
No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.~1John 4:12
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