Sunday, April 22, 2007

Letter to the ManChild Founder

Dear ManChild Founder,

Who are you and what bible are you reading? I am posting other content on the internet letting folks know that you are theologically still gulping the 'milk' and drowning in your own righteous robes of religious fanaticism. You are spending too much money on all the advertising I am seeing on the internet to promote your jumbled message. Anyone that has read the bible, believer or not, can see that you have done a severe chop-job on your cut-n-paste of the scriptures to make it say whatever you are wanting for your agenda. This is truly sad. You are not even a wolf in sheep's clothing because your garments are see-through! You are like the emperor that thought he had new clothes... but everyone could see the truth in his nakedness.

I was on your page for the first time Saturday April 21, 2007 and when I came back the next day to do more research I noticed that some of the content had changed already. I anticipate before July 7, 2007 it will change forms many times to keep your agenda fresh and throw off as many unsuspecting people as possible.

I too, have asked others to pray... for you. That your eyes, ears and heart would be opened to the reality of the authentic Jesus Christ and not the fantastical one that you have created in your mind via the 'plucking' of useful scriptures out of context.

Dawn *****

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