Saturday, April 21, 2007

777- Part 3

Why didn’t Satan show up last year at 666 or June 6, 2006?? Better yet June 6, 1006 or the year 6 when Jesus was 6 years old? Ok, so maybe he didn’t show up when Jesus was six because Jesus had to fulfill his mission and couldn’t die before he was 33 or something like that.

However, if one believes in this fanciful notion of playing the numbers game then last year would have been the most opportune time for Satan to have wreaked havoc on the world. NO?

I continue to peruse this website I am not leery about what I might read. I am aghast!

“There will come three annointed Messiahs or Prophets in our day. Just like John the Baptist, Jesus the Christ, and Paul. These three are the greatest spirits that have ever lived because they all died for us. We will be great on thier acount. Be mighty in God our Father.”


It is clear that whomever did this writing is either un-schooled or does not know how to use a spell/grammar-check. They are coming off as possibly a new ‘believer’ in that they have their theology, time frames and references all jumbled.

I would venture to guess they are of the Charismatic persuasion or Word Faith Movement.
As much as I respect all that John and Paul were about, I would never dare to put them in the same league as Jesus Christ or intonate that they ALL died for me. Golly gee, except for Enoch and Elijah everybody died. What I thought was the basics of Christianity are that Jesus died to shed his blood for the remission of our sins. Paul and John just died; plain ol’ period.

At this point, I am going to discontinue making comments about this particular website. It is obvious that they are swirling in their own fanciful and spiritual delusions of what they want to happen or think they will make God do. I will however continue to do other research on Google based on this ‘777 phenomenon’ that is about to occur.

Stay tuned…

NOTE: All writing in quotes are directly from that website with spelling/grammar mistakes intact.

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