I believe the bible should be a guideline to be used in all practicality where and when it applies to us in a historical and contextual way. I do not believe God truly intended it to be broken down into chapters, paragraphs and verses to be picked apart like pulled pork. I do not believe it was ever intended to be used in a cut/copy/paste mode (to be referred to as CCP in the future) to provide for our self-serving purposes. I do not believe specific verses were ever meant to become ministries.
One could prove any point they wanted to by using the biblical cut and paste method. An example of this would be if you took Matthew 27:5 and couple it with Luke 10:37. “And he [Judas]…went…and hanged himself. Then said Jesus… ‘Go and do the same’ “. This is a wild example but unfortunately, there are other ones that are being CCP and turned into whole ministries that are fooling a whole lot of folks and generating even more money from it!
I wonder when the foolishness will end but if you read the bible you will notice it contains a very large smattering of records of really dumb things folks did… in the name of Christ. Many of the letters written by Paul were to these new churches that would hear rumors and instead of believing what they first believed upon they would meld back into their old ways and practices. Paul had to keep saying, guys, guys! Why are you going back to your weak and miserly principles? Why do you keep thinking your old gods, that could not even speak, will perform for you?
I believe that when we don’t get our magical answers that we think are due to us from the cosmic gumball machine in the sky (God) then we begin to reach out to whomever or whatever will give us our pleasures. We are spiritual whores always looking for a better deal. How this must break Gods heart, after all he has procured for us with such a love when knowing we had not much to offer in return.
I believe in Jesus, as God’s only Son that died for MY sins (and yours) and that he loves me with an everlasting love that I could never in my earthly body truly comprehend.
I do not believe the religiously religious religion some call what they do in the name of Christ and Christianity.
Thomas Jefferson made his own bible and did just what you said - ccp. I haven't read the bible, but found what he wrote [ccp'd]facinating. The book I have is called 'The Jefferson Bible'. If you have a chance to pcik it up, it would be worth reading.
I have a wonderful editorial cartoon from 1994 that shows two panels. It is titled 'Christian Anomalies'. The top panel shows a worn out pair of tennis shoes and the caption reads: 'Mother Teresa's Transportation'. The bottom panel shows a stretch limo and the caption reads 'Pat Robertson's Transportation'. To me, this embodies how I feel about organized religion. Some people do what the bible says and other people use what the bible says to get what they want from you. Givers and takers. It seems you can weed out those takers and learn what the bible is really about. Good for you.
It would be a kick to see this Jefferson Bible. I will check it out.
The cartoon is so true. Lately I have been thinking about how to write this into a blog. I obviously have not figured it out to make any poignant thought but we have Posture-Pedic, Tempurpedic, waterbeds, air beds and more. The bible said Jesus had nowhere to lay his head.Yes I understand this is the age we live in but if he were here would he be flying his private jet or Jet Blue?
It truly saddens me that all the silliness that folks are doing in the name of Christ are actually pushing folks that truly don't know him farther away.I cry.
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