One of Hillary Clintons (gay) fundraisers says that he is hoping that she will expressly reject the word ‘immorality’ where it applies to gay people.
So what is up with folks wanting special rules? If it should be ok for two men to have sex, and for the sake of this post, in the military, then it should be ok for them to have multiple bed partners also. When will it be ok for General to bed down with the Corporal and his wife at the same time? Would it be fair to say that bestiality will become the norm in the near future also at the cost of the taxpayers? And of course a stop sign doesn’t really mean stop it means only if you are so inclined.
Rules are rules only when they make us happy. When we don’t like them we are like a toddler stamping our foot in rebellion. NO! Unfortunately, this isn’t only about Gods rules. Folks in general do not like rules and the ignorant seem to think that life can go on without them.
Rules are good and for a reason. We instill rules to our children and puppies… for a reason. Momma taught us not to try and stick the fork up our nose. Why? Because it could really hurt! And you would look real silly as an adult trying to do adult dinners and trying to teach your fellow eaters how much fun it is to try and jam a fork up your nose.
Americans want to claim their superiority with their level of education, military positioning or the so-called American wealth but they really are a very ignorant breed of people. The gays have always been around in one way or another. God talks about them in the old and New Testament. (Unless you have manipulated the bible to your liking, my bible does not show God favoring them in any way. Sorry to pop your bubble.) We may not be able to stop the secret sin in our military camps, government and lifestyles but do we have to openly endorse and promote it?
If we reject the word immorality for ‘gays’ then we might as well reject it for child molesters, rapists, murderers, and anything else that we feel might exclude a group and hurt their feelings. If Hillary rejects the word immorality then maybe what her husband did a few years ago wasn’t really all that bad, or at least not immoral, and she was just making a fuss to get political attention for her future.
Immorality is just that. Immoral. A stop sign is to tell us to STOP! Sin is SIN! Everyone wants to play God, be their own god and set up their own rules to make their life justifiable. And why do we use the soft side of the wording… immoral. In a nutshell it is wicked, depraved, corrupt, evil and degenerate. Call sin what sin is. SIN!
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. ~ John 3:19-21
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