Monday, March 19, 2007


“Stuart Rosenberg, a prolific director of series television and theatrical films who partnered with Paul Newman on the widely popular prison drama "Cool Hand Luke" and several other movies, has died at 79.”

Of course my first ‘righteous’ thought was if as a Jew he knew anything about the real Jew that came to die for him that he might have life again?

The man won awards for numerous things. He was nominated for a Directors' Guild Award, four Academy Awards and collected more than 300 TV directing credits. I am sure he had much money and accolades.

He died of a heart attack. Fairly sudden I would suspect. My step-father had a heart attack and was dead in hours. That doesn’t leave much time to come to grips with your immortality. It doesn’t leave much time to wonder where you are about to go for eternity. It doesn’t leave much room to ponder your religion and see if it was good enough.

My prayer is that someone shared the life-giving gospel to him and showed him something better than the Old Laws of the death. I pray that someone will go to his family and share that Christ is alive and well living in his Bride here on this earth. I pray that they will see that love of Christ through one of us before it is too late for them.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. ~ Deut 30:19

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