Sunday, March 18, 2007

Who Knows?

I had a group of folks over that lead the music ministry for a church. I noticed that although I was playing Christian music they neither hummed, whistled, snapped fingers, tapped feet or even acknowledged their was any music playing. I know a dog trainer that has two dogs that do not mind well and one is obese. I know mechanics that have broken down cars.

Does this attitude spill over into our personal Christianity also? Just because I am called by the name Christian, is it ok for me to act like the rest of the worldly, secular folks? Will anyone know? Will anyone care?

I don’t think most other humans really care. They already have enough ‘dirt’ on the so-called Christians so you acting in ways that do not glorify God or exemplify Christ are what they have been used to.

To me to the biggest ingredient is that God will know. God does know. God cares. God sees. God knows an ‘act’ from a true giving, caring and loving heart that reaches beyond themselves to others that they would not normally reach out to because it may overstep their comfort zone. God knows.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. ~John 10:27

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